Acquiring for a taxi is the technology of the future

Analysts believe that — acquiring for a taxi will be more popular, especially in large cities where there are many active card users. Payin Payout offers to join this technology today!

Terminals for receiving cards in taxis is convenient and profitable. First, they can be used to attract more customers, and secondly — to improve the quality of provided services.

A number of problems is solved using acquiring for a taxi:

  • no bills — no difficulties with the issuance date,
  • no risk to take fraud payment,
  • convenient, quick, civilized settlements — less stress on the driver,
  • you cannot worry about the collection, putting revenue after the change, etc.

Acquiring services for a taxi from Payin Payout is a quick and professional installation of equipment, training for everyone who will work with the system, if it is necessary, it is repairing and maintenance of equipment.